Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Task 5

Who are the primary taret audience now and has this changed? Who was it before and how do you know?

Text : The Sun - Current Target audience - Men - and those who are between the ages of 18 - 50/60. Original target audience - men between 18 -50. This is beacuse the paper has not changed its substances and as half of the back section is dedicated to men realted sports it is clear the paper is primarily targtted at thm. this is reinforced through page 3. as this also targets men as their primary audiences.

Text : Heat - Current Target audeince - Women - those between the ages of 18 -30. Original Target audience - women 18 - 30. This has not changed as women have now got a busier lifestyle therefore read a lot less, and so the Heat provides quick gossip to suit their needs.

Text : MTV - Current target audience - men and women - original target audience men - this is becauase most shows were male dominated e.g through male actprs, artists celebs etc. however only recently have they shocased females fame. e.g missy elliot and mariah carey etc.

Task 4

Is the size of the audience any different now than before the impact of new and digital media. (Or has the pattern of usage changed?) _

Yes, the size of adueinces has increased drastically over the past 7 years. This is because society now want to learn about their favourite celebrities. This is shown through The Sun both online and print as it is typically known for its celebrity gossip and culture. The increase of revenue over the years and popiluarity implies that audiences enjoy such topics that are regarding celebrities and therefore indicates that the audiences have increased.

the audiences for papers can generaly depend on everyone as they are made affordable with prices just of 20p. however some information that is easily accessed online is also open to a mass audience. yet, on products such as the iPhone,although the information is alot more in depth and a lot more quicker to access, it is targeted at a niche audeince. the reason for this is because iphones for example are aimed at those of A B C1 because of their high price. They are worth around £600 and are quite expensive to mantain. therefore audiences depend on the different types of products, availability and its affordability.

Task 3

What impact has there been on how the media institution now has to produce the texts and the in which texts/products are distributed and exhibited? This should involve a detailed textual analysis of at least 3 texts to demonstrate the point.

The Sun is a apepr thats is most read. However it is now avaialable over the Internet. As a result of this it suffers from decline with regard to the print side of productions. Therefore the news that is published is a lot more dramatised. eg - more effeciant and creates more public interactivity.

Social networking sites are also major examples of this. This is because links can be posted up and viewed therefore again increases a lot more interaction between the readers and recieivers. As a result of this they every changing formates such as Facebook.com reflects on the increase popularity of the site. As it can be considered as the new way forward.

The Times has declined in many ways as people are no longer interested in things such as the news that doesn't concern celebrities and therefore the argument stands as the sun is so popular as it is so informal and pays a lot more attention to things thats does'nt really mater e.g celebrity gossip and slip ups.

Task 2

Audeinces have now become a lot more voyouristic. As a result of new and digital media, there are able to personally identify with the celebrities wihtout even knwoing them - therefore creating a personalised relationship between celebrities and those who are following them. This however leads the audeinces being very passive and open to stereotyping.

David Philips - reception theory. Different interpretations are taken because of economical reasons - e.g -thoseof a lower class status tend to feel inferior when they are assosiated with celebrities of when they read about them etc.

Task 1

Increase in new and digital media has enabled news and information to be accessed from anywhere as a result of media convergence for example.

This helps with the "making" and "breaking" of celebritites. this is shown/done by different technoogies icreasing the recognition of stars and individuals. For example ipods/iphones/internet news/ and its icreasing availability.

Ownership - Rupert Murdoch - now launches the news over the internet E.g The Sun/The Daily Star and most recently the Daily mail. - As he has now made the news available practicaly everywhere and that to through everything, it aids in increasig the familiarity of celebrities and individuals. iPhones for example allow you to follow up on your celebrities gossip and current up to dat information via subscription and bookmarking. Therefore the increase in media technologies and convergences contributes in the making and breaking of celebrities.

Another example is "Twitter" this is because it creates a personalised relationship with its audeinces as without actually knowing the celebritites personaly - you are stil able to keep upp to date on what they are doing - where and how. Therefore creaates a sense of identification wtih them.

Choosing inidivudal topic area and relevant theorists

The impact of new and technologies and media products lead to a more diverse and mass audeince in regard to cleberities. However, the availability on celebs regarding their personal life is found everywhere - the internet / papers / ipods/ iphones/ phones/ networking sites e.g twitter etc...

This can be cinsidered a rich area as there is a range of avalaiability on news and info on celebs. As a result of this the increase in technology possibly means an increase on fame and celebrities. Via: celebrity promotopns though new media eg - through their own personalised sites, branded apps and games etc...

Case study

A study of the impact of new and digital media on...
Music promottion and the charts
TV broadcasting
The media and democracy
The role of the distributor and exhibitor
The internet & social networking sites
The role of media institutions

I have chosen: A case study of the impact of new and digital media on celebrity stars in the media.